Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome to the Sixth Annual Season's Readings Gift Guide

Once again it is my pleasure to offer you “Season’s Readings,” a selection of books and films which make exceptional gifts this season. They are the best!-- handpicked by the librarians who work at your library. These staff members help you find what you like to read, to hear, and to see every day. They help you find resources and answer your questions.

Why use this list?

Books can change lives. Each of us remembers a special book. Perhaps it was Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, Margaret Wise Brown’s Goodnight Moon or Judy Blume’s Superfudge. Last September at the National Book Festival, Blume talked about the impact Maud Hart Lovelace’s "Betsy Tacy" series had on her writing. This list gives you the opportunity to give someone that special book — the one they will remember and treasure throughout their lives.

Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education says, “We are what we learn.” The titles which the librarians picked offer you are an opportunity to offer those you love a unique and enjoyable experience, one which may help them understand the world in a different way, a way that resonates with them.

Enjoy your holidays! I wish you a rewarding 2010, filled with good books, good music and good films. See you at the library!


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